10-pack | 6x9 Solar Brick Light | FREE SHIPPING

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One of the highlights of our solar brick light in comparison to our competitors is that battery replacement is available.
Changing the battery is simple and quick. You just need to purchase the correct battery replacement kit directly from our website and a screwdriver.
Follow the instructions, and your solar brick is ready to work again!
Helpful Tips
Solar Radiation X Solar Brick's Performance →
Solar Power Wall & Garden Lights
Find a beautiful selection of outdoor solar wall and garden lights, security lights, and more that match any home.
Solar lighting can be installed in different areas, like backyard, entryway, driveway, garden, and parking lot. They charge up during the day when the sun is shining and light up at night.
The benefits are numerous: Environmentally friendly, Cost-effectiveness, Little maintenance, Do it yourself installation. Take a look and choose yours.